Jeff Sarwer
On paper, Table 39 is the most exciting ticket in town. That's what we'll call Table Pagano over in the secondary ballroom. However, the show isn't exactly living up to the billing so far. Action is at a premium over there, and table chatter is even more difficult to come by. We stood on the rail and watched three orbits go by. Of those hands, two were actually marginally interesting. Emphasis on marginally:
Under the gun, Jeff Sarwer opened the pot to 1,025. He found calling action from a player in middle position, as well as Luca Pagano in the big blind. The flop came out , and Pagano checked. Sarwer continued out with a bet of 2,550, and that was good enough to put him heads up with Pagano as he was the only caller. Fourth street brought the , and Pagano took pause. He decided to take the betting lead with 4,400 chips, and Sarwer tanked for ages before folding.
A few hands later, Sarwer raised from the cutoff, and Catherine Hong called on the button. The two saw a flop of , and Sarwer fired 1,625. Hong quickly called, and they both checked the turn . On the river, the drew another check from Sarwer, and Hong decided a bet of 2,200 was in order. Sarwer shrugged and called and gestured to see his opponent's hand. Hong showed up . "Oh, you have a seven?" Sawer half-asked. He nodded, double-checked his hole cards, and slipped them into the muck.
Sarwer was sitting with about 68,000 when we decided it was time to stare at another table for a while.