A pump of the fist for Battisti after spiking his straight to stay alive
From the button, Alfio Battisti opened to 90,000, and Christophe Benzimra wanted to play for more. In the small blind, he re-raised to 220,000, and Battisti called for a significant chunk of his stack.
Heads-up, the dealer ran a flop of . Benzimra fired 260,000 chips at the pot, drawing a long, blank stare from his opponent. Finally, Battisti announced an all in for 610,000 total. Benzimra required a full breakdown of the stacks as he contemplated his decision. There really was no decision; he made the call to put Battisti at risk.
The Italian tabled , still on a draw for his tournament life. Benzimra was poised for the knockout at he confidently flipped up his .
The turn was a blank, the . The river, however, was a very fortunate card for the at-risk Battisti. The landed on board to give both men the queen-high straight and chop the pot right in half. Battisti has managed to stave off elimination for now, much to the delight of his railbird, Dario Minieri.