Tilt-shoving FTW
Stephen "allinstevie" Devlin, who was chip leader here last year for much of Day Two, has been moved over to the same table as his friend Chris Moorman. They've already butted heads, after both checked the turn of a board before Devlin bet 2,600 on the river. Moorman made the call and was shown , but the Brit turned over to win the pot.
A few hands later, Moorman raised UTG to 1,200 and Devlin reraised from late position to 3,500. After smirking at each other, Moorman asked how much Devlin had left before deciding to move all in. Devlin snap-called and turned over to Moorman's . Despite the flop coming , the remaining two cards were bricks and Devlin is up to around 35,000 while Moorman is down to around 10,000.