Hands 95-99: Paredes Pulling Away

Hand 96: Merulla opened for 475,000 and Paredes called to see the flop come . Both players checked and the
fell on the turn. Two checks later and the river came
. Paredes checked, as did Merulla, and the pot went to Paredes when he tabled
Hand 97: Paredes opened for 450,000 and Merulla called to see the flop come . Merulla bet 325,000, Paredes called and the turn came
. Merulla bet 725,000 and Paredes called. The river was the
andboth palyers checked, leaving Paredes to table
for the winner.
Hand 98: Merulla opened for 475,000 and Paredes called to see the flop come . Two checks later and the turn came
. Check-check it went and the river came
. Merulla won the pot with a bet of 700,000.
Hand 99: Paredes opened for 450,000 and Merulla three-bet to 2.025 million. Paredes called the big bet and the flop was . Paredes led out for 1.6 million and took the pot down.