Hands 77-80: Merulla Takes First Big Pot of Heads-Up Play
Level 33
: 75,000/150,000, 25,000 ante

Hand 77: Merulla went for a walk.
Hand 78: Merulla opened to 300,000 and Paredes called, bringing a flop of on board. Paredes checked over to Merulla, who c-bet for 250,000.
Hand 79: Paredes opened the pot with a raise to 350,000 and Merulla let him have the pot.
Hand 80: Merulla opened for 325,000 and in the first three-bet of heads-up play, Paredes made it 900,000 to play. Merulla flatted the reraise and the flop came down . First to act, Paredes bet 800,000 and Merulla grabbed a stack of gold T100000 chips while contemplating his next move. That move ended up being a raise to 2 million even, and Paredes decided to respect the raise, giving the pot to Merulla.