Dimas Martinez is a Made Man

Here at the Borgata Winter Poker Open, talk of the infamous "Twenty-Seven" has floated through the room ever since the cancellation of Event 1 left 27 players in poker limbo.
Dimas Martinez probably hears the whispers while he plays, and as one of those 27 players who still had chips to work with when the bad news came down (he had 2 million entering the Day 3 that never was), Martinez still has strong feelings on the subject.
"I want my money!" he told us with a stone-faced glare, before breaking the tension with a laugh. "I got seven kids man..."
Martinez was obviously having a bit of fun after dragging another pot his way today - he currently sits with more than double the average - and although the Event 1 situation is out of his hands, today's tournament provides a chance at redemption.
The tattooed man with gold chains and a "Spanish MAFIA" ballcap may not look like your run-of-the-mill poker sharp, but he's having his way with a table of skilled players here today. A bit of luck always helps of course - Martinez spiked a set of deuces with to down
early in the day - but a recent hand shows he knows how to use the chips lady luck saw fit to throw his way.
Martinez opened for a standard raise from under the gun, and a lone caller came along to take the flop. Both players then tapped the table and the turn card came
. Martinez check-called a bet of 700 on fourth street, bringing the
on board as the river card.
Having built a decent pot already, Martinez whacked his opponent with a river bet of 925, adding another chunk of chips to his growing castle.
If Martinez can keep it up throughout the rest of Day 1a, he might just get his money after all.
Player | Chips | Progress |
64,700 |