Kassis, a good 40 minutes into his massage, replied, "Stop watching!"
2008 Aussie Millions
Event 7 - $3,250 Pot Limit Omaha w/Rebuys
Day: 1
Event Info
Kassis, a good 40 minutes into his massage, replied, "Stop watching!"
Level: 11
Blinds: 1,000/2,000
Ante: 0

Pickering opened the action with a bet of 11,200. Dwan then re-raised to 35,000 and Pickering asked for a count. Dwan had him covered, but that didn't deter Pickering from going all in. Dwan insta-called and a buzz is sent around the fans on the rail as the cards are flipped!


On an amazing flop, Dwan had flopped top set with the nut flush draw, but still trailed Pickering who had the nut straight.
The turn brought the

After taking out one of the fellow big stacks, Tom Dwan has jumped to a big lead with over 180,000 chips!

The turn brought the

Spectators are lined up three-four rows deep.
Van Marcus has played (maybe) six hands since the final table began.
Lenny Barshack has been all in (and survived) twice.
Mark Kassis' table-side massage is going on 30 minutes.

All three players checked the

The last card off the deck was the

The action is checked around to Tom "Durrrr" Dwan on the button who makes a bet of 3,700. It's folded to Max Pescatori who check-raises to 19,100 total. Dwan asks for a count and appears to be working out the math of his decision. Pescatori has around 25,000 behind, as Dwan lets out a sigh and casually declares he is all in. Pescatori calls and the cards are flipped:


Pescatori has a pair of queens, gutshot straight and the nut flush draw, but trails the set of deuces for Dwan.
The turn brings the