Michael Guzzardi has further added to his ever-growing stack, this time mixing it up with another of Australia's top ranked online players, Daniel Kochan.
The pot was opened preflop to 450 by Kochan from under the gun, and play folded to the button who made the call. Guzzardi, in the big blind, also decided to come along for the ride.
All three players checked the flop, and Guzzardi would be first to fire at the turn. Guzzardi bet out 300, which Kochan promptly called and the button folded.
With the river bringing an , Guzzardi fired 1,650 and Kochan went into the tank. With 20 seconds to act, Kochan eventaully timed out and 'TheBigSiCkO' was true to form, rolling over for his winning stone cold bluff.
Guzzardi moves up over 10,000 now and will be a player to look out for later today.