Con Angelakis got things started preflop by raising from late position. He was called by Michael Guzzardi from the button and Tony G from the small blind. Action checked to Angelakis on a flop of . He dutifully bet and was raised by Guzzardi, folding Tony G. Angelakis called.
The turn came . Angelakis checked, then raised after Guzzardi bet. Guzzardi reraised to put Angelakis all in. The hands were opened:
Guzzardi showed trip sixes with the nut low draw. Angelakis showed a flush draw and the nut low draw. It seemed certain that Guzzardi would get at least half, and more likely three-quarters or a scoop, but the river was an ugly to give Angelakis a full house for high. The two players chopped the low, making Guzzardi the one who was quartered.