Jeremiah Vinsant has the button and completes the bet; Grant Levy checked his option in the big blind.
The flop comes and both players check. The turn brings the and once again, both players check. The last card off the deck is the and, you guessed it, they check one last time. At the showdown, both players show queens with baby kickers and chop the pot.
Levy announces raise and pops it up to 475,000. Vinsant makes the call.
Flop: and both players check
Turn: Vinsant checks, and Levy bets 700,000. Vinsant re-raises to 1.4 million and Levy instantly announces that he is all in. Vinsant folds and Levy shows as he rakes in a monster pot!
Jeremiah Vinsant has the button and raises to 480,000. Grant Levy then wastes little time re-raising to two million flat. Jeremiah surrenders the hand and Levy adds another half a million in chips to his stack.
Jeremiah Vinsant has the button and makes it 480,000 to go; Grant Levy makes the call.
The flop comes and Levy passes the first action to Vinsant, who says: "I'll put you all in." "Call," Levy says, straight away, as he turns over for top pair and a seven-high diamond draw. Vinsant reveals the same hand, but in clubs.
"Just a diamond," Levy says, as he awaits the turn, sitting comfortably in a freeroll situation. After a bit of a pause for dramatic effect, the dealer places the on the turn.
The last card off the deck was the and what appeared to be the most dramatic hand of the level ended very anti-climatically, as Levy and Vinsant chopped the pot.