Both Tom Grigg and Danny 'Brotha D' Leaoasavaii committed 100,000 preflop to see a [3d} flop fall.
Leaoasavaii checked and Grigg fired out a continuation-bet of 100,000 only to have Leaoasavaii check-raise jam all in for 790,000 to force a fold from Grigg as 'Brotha D' climbs back over the seven-figure chip mark.
Tom Grigg contemplating a big decision
The min-raised seems like it is the flavor of the level as Tom Grigg made it 100,000 from the button.
Danny 'Brotha D' Leaoasavaii made the call as a flop fell and Leaoasavaii check-called a 100,000-chip bet. The turn of the was greeted with another Grigg bet; this one amounting to 250,000 which Leaoasavaii check-called.
As the landed on the river, Leaoasavaii checked and Grigg fired out a bet of 550,000 which Leaoasavaii didn't hesitate too long in calling.
Grigg tabled his as Leaoasavaii tapped the table to signify a nice hand before kicking his cards to the muck while slipping to 1,215,000 as Grigg soars to 2,665,000 in chips.
Tom Grigg and Danny 'Brotha D' Leaoasavaii battling it out
Danny 'Brotha D' Leaoasavaii bumped it to 100,000 from the button with Tom Grigg making the call as the fell down.
Both players checked, and when the landed on the turn, Grigg led for 100,000 with Leaoasavaii making the call as the rolled off on the river.
Grigg announced a bet of 300,000 and Leaoasavaii made the call, but mucked at the sight of Grigg's as Leaoasavaii slipped to 2,215,000 and Grigg climbed to 1,665,000 in chips.