Joon Hee Yeah with his PokerStars rally monkey.
Joon Hee Yeah, runner-up in the APT Macau Main Event that took place last week, is finding the going a little up and down this afternoon. Sitting in the big blind, he was the only person to call a raise to 600 from an opponent in middle position.
The flop came down all black and all spades -- . Yeah checked to his opponent, who bet 500 before Yeah check-raised to 1,400. His opponent called.
The turn was the . Yeah bet 1,800 and again his opponent called. On the river , Yeah made it 4,000 to go. His opponent called and tabled for the flopped second nuts. Yeah showed down a busted nut-flush draw with . That 7,000-chip loss dropped his stack back to 13,000.