Strategy with Kristy: Nick DiVella Discusses WSOP Main Event Run

Stackem Coaching poker coach Nick DiVella makes his second appearance on the Strategy with Kristy Podcast, this time to talk about his run in this year's World Series of Poker Main Event. The live cash-game grinder discusses tough spots he had along the way, and what ultimately resulted in his 72nd-place finish for just over $106,000.
Here is a snippet from the interview during which DiVella talks about a hand he played with Jeremy Ausmus who eventually made it the October Nine Final Table:
Jeremy opened under-the-gun, which he had done already a few times. The blinds were 15,000/30,000, and he raised to 65,000. I'm in the big blind, and I look down at ace-nine, a pretty bad hand versus an under-the-gun raise. I have a little over 800,000, the average is over 1 million, and he has about 1.5 million. It's really bad to call, I really want to fold, but I realized that if I put in a reraise here, that puts a lot of pressure on him.
My line, three-betting an under-the-gun raiser, looks super strong. I make it 155,000. He really has to make a decision now. What do you do if you're him with pocket nines, pocket tens, ace-ten, ace-jack suited? I mean, he's risking a ton of his chips in a pretty marginal spot where I look super strong.
He ends up folding, and I take it down. I thought it was a pretty well thought-out hand.
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