Playing a Big Draw in a Multi-Way Pot

DECISION POINT: In a $2/$5 no-limit hold'em cash game a player in middle position raises, the hijack calls, and you call as well from the cutoff with 9?8?. The flop comes 6?7?2?. The original raiser makes a continuation bet, then the hijack raises. The action is on you...
PRO ANSWER: In this hand there was a bet and a raise to us on the flop. We are holding an open-ended straight flush draw with nine outs to a flush and six additional outs to a straight. Overall, this gives us 15 outs on the flop.
We are not quite getting the correct direct pot odds to call to see one card, since there is approximately $220 in the pot and it costs us $120 to call. In addition, we are not closing the action if we call $120. The initial bettor may reraise us. We do have some implied odds (more so with our straight outs as compared to the flush outs), so calling will be a slightly profitable play.
However, one of the primary benefits of having big draws is that they have lots of equity against most opponent hand ranges. If you add fold equity by playing aggressively, you can create an extremely profitable situation.
In this spot we can reraise all in and put significant pressure on both the initial bettor and raiser. We can win this pot uncontested on the flop some of the time. The times we don't win it uncontested, we will usually have over 50 percent equity against our opponent's range. Overall, we can win this pot a large majority of the time when we move all in.
In order to play big draws the most profitably, you must be willing to play them aggressively in situations where you can create some fold equity.
Moving all in is the best play.
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