How to Play Strip Poker: Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to spice up your poker home game with a poker game where the action is hotter than traditional poker variants? If you are, you might want to look into strip poker! We are about to embark on a journey into the nuances of strip poker, including how to play, how to organize a game, and tips on how to win and ultimately keep your clothes on!
What is Strip Poker?
Strip poker is considered a party game and a variation of traditional poker where players remove an item of clothing when they lose a round. Any poker variant can be adapted to become strip poker, although simpler games with fewer betting rounds, such as Texas Hold'em and Five-Card Draw, are the most popular.
The popularity of strip poker soared in the early 1900s, with the term first coined in 1916. Strip poker is played in single-sex and mixed-sex groups and is usually intended to create a fun or party atmosphere. Strip poker is not to everyone's taste, but it can be excellent fun with the right crowd, especially if you win more than you lose!
Getting Ready to Play Strip Poker
There are various ways to play a strip poker game and we'll cover them main rules shortly, but regardless of how you're going to play, before you get started with your strip poker home game you��re going to need...
- a deck of cards
- some poker chips
- at least one friend with an open mind

Strip Poker Rules
Strip poker rules are flexible, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the end goal of the game is. You will know how to play strip poker is you know the rules of any other poker variant, be that Texas Hold'em, Five-Card Draw, Seven-Card Stud, or even Omaha poker!
Removing clothing as a forfeit for losing a hand is the most common ruleset strip poker players use, so we'll cover that here.
- Agree on the rules before starting �C Decide which version of strip poker you will play, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding how far the stripping will go. Some players may only be comfortable getting down to their underwear, whereas more adventurous players may be more than happy to become naked!
- Make sure everyone starts with similar amounts of clothing �C Don't allow any of the players to gain an advantage by wearing more clothes and accessories than others. Try to keep matters even to ensure a fair game.
- Play the poker variant how you usually would.
- The loser of the hand removed an item of clothing.
- The winner is the last person still wearing clothes when everyone else is down to a previously agreed level.
Other variants include using clothing instead of chips and betting with garments, allowing the winner of the hand to decide who strips, exchanging items of clothing for poker chips then playing poker while in a state of undress.
Strip Poker at Your Home Game
Setting up a strip poker session at your home game is easier than you think, especially if you have some open-minded people on your friend list. Ideally, you want at least four players, a standard deck of cards, and a set of poker chips.
Only invite friends who are comfortable playing strip poker to your home game; don't suddenly spring the idea on them once they arrive for a "normal" poker session. Everyone must be a willing participant, and the rules agreed upon before any hands are dealt.
Once you have your carefree friends at your home game, spend some time agreeing on the rules, particularly the rules regarding stripping. You want everyone to be comfortable and not forced or coerced into stripping further than they are happy with. Also, agree upon rules for how you will determine the winner, and consider adding a game of "Truth or Dare" into the mix so people who have lost can continue playing.
Ensure that your strip poker players are all wearing similar amounts of clothing to keep the game fair. You don't want to have one player wearing a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals taking on someone wearing jeans, a t-shirt, a jumper, socks, shoes, rings, and a watch! Add or remove accessories to and from players to make things even.
The player that loses a hand of your chosen poker variant must remove an article of clothing or an accessory. When a person reaches the limit you agreed or is completely naked, they are eliminated from the game. It goes without saying that the worst poker players will be scantly dressed or naked most of the time!
How to Win at Strip Poker
Winning at strip poker is a joyous occasion because you have not only beaten your opponents while playing cards, but they will be down to their smalls or even be naked because they lost!
The most commonly used strip poker rules state that to win at strip poker, your opponents must be down to the agreed clothing limit or be bare naked, and one person must be wearing at least one piece of clothing to be determined the winner.
As previously mentioned, strip poker rules vary greatly depending on where you are playing and who with, so make sure you know how to win at your strip poker game before you start removing your clothes!
Top 5 Strip Poker Tips �C Best Strategy to Help You Win at Strip Poker
Even if you are the most adventurous, open-minded individual who is happy to get buck naked in front of your friends, you should still want to win your strip poker game. The following five tips should help keep your shirt on your back while others are flinging garments all over!
- Learn your poker variant's strategy �C Brush up the optimal strategy for the poker variant you will use when playing strip poker. It is, after all, the same game, just with slightly different, perhaps higher, stakes. Solid poker is the order of the day.
- Play a tight range of opening hands �C Consider playing a tighter than usual starting hand range, especially against opponents without much poker knowledge. You may be able to fold your way to victory by only playing premium holdings.
- Observe your opponents carefully �C Pay attention to what your opponents say, their betting patterns, and other behaviors. For example, a player who looks worried they may be down to their underwear if they lose this hand could have a weak holding and be perfect for bluffing.
- Manage your clothing removal �C The order in which you remove clothing can become strategic. Many like to remove less significant items early into the game to preserve modesty and be more comfortable.
- Be careful with bluffing �C Nobody likes getting caught bluffing, especially when you must remove some clothes if you get it wrong. Try to only bluff opponents who have a solid understanding of poker because they are the ones more likely to believe your story and fold.
Play Strip Poker Online
Do you know that you can play strip poker online? You do now! Playing strip poker online is ideal for those adventurous souls who struggle to find like-minded friends in the pursuit of getting naked in the name of a card game.
Can You Play Strip Poker Online?
Believe it or not, there are online strip poker sites that allow you to play strip poker from your computer or compatible mobile device. Strip poker is so popular that hundreds of online strip poker sites exist, many for free.
Most online strip poker sites see you play against artificial intelligence and feature images of models that remove clothing when you win a hand or a set amount of play money.
The Best Online Strip Poker Sites
- RaceyPoker �C RaceyPoker offers online strip poker across several poker variants, including Texas Hold'em, Omaha Poker, Draw Poker, 7 Card Stud, Caribbean Stud, and even video poker. It is also possible to play Strip Blackjack and Strip Chess! All strip games at RaceyPoker are free to play, adding to
- Strip Poker Online �C This online strip poker site allows you to play against real players from around the world. You can choose to play on public tables or on private tables where you and your opponents display a snapshot or even a live cam!
- Strip Poker Night at the Inventory �C This is one of the most popular free-to-play online strip poker websites. It uses Manga-like AI characters who strip when you beat them in hands of draw poker. It is one of the only strip poker online sites where you choose your avatar's clothing and have to strip when you lose.

Strip Poker Night at the Inventory
Strip Poker Night at the Inventory is a free-to-play, open-source, community-run project revolving around strip poker. You can play draw poker against up to four AI-powered characters, each created by the Strip Poker Night at the Inventory community members.
There is a strict 18+ minimum age policy to play Strip Poker Night at the Inventory due to the graphic nature of the characters and the text-based stories they tell during your games.
Start a game by choosing up to eight items of clothing your character is wearing, then choosing up to four opponents from a vast list of willing participants before playing your best draw poker. The player with the weakest hand removes an item of their clothing before an X-rated performance once they are fully naked.
The game has several collectibles to bank along the way, allowing you to further customize your character as you attempt to rid as many opponents as possible of their attire.
Play Video Strip Poker Online
Some strip poker sites allow you to play video strip poker online using your computer's webcam or the camera on your phone. Be careful what images you share on such sites because you may not want images and videos of you in a state of undress circulating around the internet; ensure you check the website's privacy policy.
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Read more on Poker Home Games
- The Best Poker Cards for your Poker Home Game
- Best Poker Tables for your Home Game
- Betting Structure, Blinds and Rules for Your Poker Home Game
- The Best Poker Variants to Play at Poker Home Games
- How to Setup the Table for your Poker Home Game
- How to Shuffle and Deal in a Poker Home Game
- Best Poker Chips set for Home Games
- Poker Home Games Strategy �C How To Win
- The Best Snacks, Foods and Drinks for your Poker Home Game
- Top 5 Best Poker Gadgets you NEED for you next Poker Home Game
Strip Poker FAQs
What is Strip Poker?
Strip Poker is a variant of poker where the losers of each round have to remove items of clothing.
Who can you play strip poker with?
You can play strip poker with whoever is willing to play the game with you. Strip poker is commonly played at parties and with gatherings of friends. Always ensure that everyone is happy to play strip poker or be in the vicinity of such a game taking place.
How many people are in strip poker?
Ideally, you want at least four players to play strip poker so that the game lasts longer than a few hands. However, you can play strip poker with only one opponent, perhaps your partner to spice up your love life!
How do you play strip poker with friends?
You can play strip poker with friends how you play normal poker with them. All you need is a deck of cards, some poker chips, and some open-minded, willing friends. Once you have all agreed upon the rules, you are ready to get your strip poker game on.
What are the rules of strip poker?
The rules of strip poker fluctuate depending on the rules the players set. However, the rules of the poker variant remain the same, including the poker hand rankings. Generally, the game progresses like a normal game of poker except the player with the worst hand removes an item of clothing as a forfeit.
How do you play strip poker at a poker home game?
You first need to find some friends who are happy with the idea of playing strip poker. Not everyone is comfortable removing their clothes and being laid bare for all to see. Once you have found such willing participants, set some rules, decide on the poker variant you will play, and prepare to see those friends remove their clothes when they lose to your superior poker skills!
Are the strip poker rules different to normal poker?
The main difference between strip poker and normal poker rules is the loser of each hand removes an item of clothing each time they lose a hand of strip poker.