Five Reasons You Need To Play the WSOP Game

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Look no further than the World Series of Poker social game if you are looking for a free-to-play online poker site. It is the official game of the World Series of Poker, one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the world of poker.
It is also pretty awesome, as you��re about to find out. Here are five reasons you need to be playing the World Series of Poker game.
Available In All Countries!
It is Completely Free to Play
Some online poker sites and games advertise themselves as being free but the World Series of Poker game is not just some poker site. Where some sites encourage you to make additional in-app purchases to improve your experience, your time at the tables is the same at World Series of Poker regardless if you choose to spend any money.
Sure, you can purchase extra chips via the World Series of Poker app, but you do not need to because there are more than enough ways to accumulate them for free. For starters, everyone who creates their account via PokerNews receives 250,000 chips. Link your Facebook account and another 15,000 chip are put into your WSOP account.
Free chips are given every day, plus the standard of play is super soft meaning you should have no problems winning huge stacks of additional WSOP chips to stay in the game.
You Can Play Anywhere in the World
Because no real money is awarded, the World Series of Poker game is free to play anywhere in the world. Even residents of the United States can get involved; it is 100 percent legal in the USA.
You may find yourself on vacation in a country that does not allow online poker, but you��re itching to play at the tables. Simply fire up the World Series of Poker game and hit the tables all around the world.
It is the Official Game of the World Series of Poker
Where some free-to-play poker games are just games created by designers, this has been designed by the team at the World Series of Poker. This means your experience at the tables is as near to playing online poker for real money as you can get without risking any capital at all.
The WSOP is one of the biggest and most trusted poker brands on the planet and they don��t just put their name to any piece of software. You can enjoy an authentic poker experience from the WSOP each time you log on and play.
Take On Friends and Make New Ones
The social aspect of the World Series of Poker game is where it really shines. Linking your Facebook account to the World Series of Poker game allows you to play against your Facebook friends wherever they are in the world. Call them out to your cash game and they can join you at the tables.
Struggling to get your friends in one place for a home game? All play at the World Series of Poker game and you don��t even have to be in the same country!
You��ll also be able to make new friends at the tables. Chat and interact with like-minded people and you could find yourself enjoying a blossoming friendship with someone halfway around the world. It��s all about having fun at the World Series of Poker.
Become a Virtual WSOP Champion
Most of us poker players dream of winning a World Series of Poker bracelet, but the costs involved hold those dreams back. That��s no longer the case because some of the World Series of Poker��s tournaments award virtual WSOP bracelets that you can display next to your avatar and alias, showing the whole world you are a true poker champion.
Will you win a WSOP bracelet this week?