Three Charity Series of Poker (CSOP) Events in Las Vegas on the Horizon

Matt Stout has some big plans for the Charity Series of Poker (CSOP) this summer during the World Series of Poker (WSOP).
The CSOP has three events over the next month that will help raise money for some important causes, all taking place in Las Vegas at The Sterling Club, a country club near the Strip that has hosted many previous CSOP events.
What's Coming Up in Las Vegas?

Many poker players will be taking a break from the action at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas to support the CSOP starting June 13. The tournament, which costs $300 to enter ($100 per rebuy and add-on), will benefit Three Square, a nonprofit that provides meals to those struggling financially. First place will pay $5,000, and there are $9,000 worth of donated prizes to be handed out as well. Doors open at the Stirling Club (just down the road from the WSOP) at 5:30 p.m., and the poker tournament starts at 7:00 p.m.
The second event, also at the Stirling Club but on June 14, benefits Cops 4 Kids, a mentorship organization that brings police officers together with youth in the community. Tournament entry fee and start times will be the same as the previously mentioned charity event, along with the third event.

Speaking of that third event, the next CSOP gathering takes place on July 3 at the Stirling Club, and its purpose is to raise money for the Shannon Elizabeth Foundation. The first annual Rhino Rumble Championship will benefit actress Shannon Elizabeth's non-profit animal and wildlife conservation foundation.
Each CSOP event also features an auction, with proceeds going to various charities. The evening begins with a cocktail hour at The Sterling Club. Those interested in entering one of more of the charity poker tournaments, or to donate, can visit