Introducing Lukas "RobinPoker" Robinson's Poker on a Boat: The WPT Voyage Experience

The WPT Voyage was a roaring success, with players from far and wide embarking on the Virgin Voyages Scarlet Lady cruise ship in Miami before sailing in luxury to the Cayman Islands and The Bahamas. Thanks to WPT Global, some of the PokerNews team, including our excellent ambassador Lukas "RobinPoker" Robinson, were invited onboard the ship, and they decided to create a behind-the-scenes documentary called Poker on a Boat �C the WPT Voyage Experience.
Poker on a Boat: The WPT Voyage takes you behind the scenes of this incredible at-sea poker festival. Discover the culinary delights Robinson and his shipmates enjoyed, the once-in-a-lifetime activities they participated in, and, of course, plenty of poker action.
The first of five episodes, Setting Sail��All Abord the World Poker Tour Cruise, will launch on Robinson's YouTube channel on April 24 at 4:00 p.m. BST.
Episode 1 starts with Robinson and the PokerNews team's journey to Miami, where they step aboard the luxury cruise liner. Once on board, Robinson takes you on a guided tour of the ship, has a pre-poker session meal of octopus and cookies (yes, really), presents PokerNews' Daniel Williams with some rather fetching pajamas, and challenges him to make $500 profit in the $1/$3 cash games taking place in the ship's casino.
Robinson got off to a flying start with the premium starting hand 4?3?, endured a cold deck that was possibly caused by his PokerNews pajamas before locking in his first profit of the trip as the clock struck midnight; or did he?
Head over to Robinson's YouTube channel at 4:00 p.m. BST on April 24 to watch Episode 1 in full, and return on Friday, next Monday, Wednesday and Friday to feast your eyes on the other five episodes.