Phil Galfond's PLO Secrets Revealed

Over the past two decades, Phil Galfond's poker odyssey has seen a number of twists and turns. After years in the trenches battling it out with the best players in the game, his focus turned to his businesses as he sought to grow the game from the other side through his training site and as a site owner/operator. The training site quickly solidified itself at the top of the mountain in a crowded landscape and continues to produce the best poker training and strategy content in poker.
It wasn't long before the siren song of poker began calling Phil back to the tables, and he decided the best way to storm back into the game was with an open challenge that saw him taking on all comers in a series of high stakes, heads up PLO battles. The storybook comebacks and thorough vanquishing of his opponents became the stuff of legend and reignited his passion for the game. In January of 2022 Phil decided it was time to share his secrets and released his first course with "This is PLO". The comprehensive guide to the game of heads-up PLO leaves no stone unturned and represents nearly twenty years of poker experience distilled down to a catalog of videos covering every possible scenario the game can throw at someone. Phil's name has become synonymous with the highest level poker strategy, and this course leaves no doubt that he is the foremost expert on this particular poker variant.

Phil��s credentials for competing at the highest level are irreproachable, but it has been his aptitude for teaching the game that has truly separated him into a category all his own. With hundreds of videos under his belt, he��s honed his ability to translate the most difficult of concepts into a language that even the most novice of players can understand. His previous videos occasionally have running themes and multiple parts, but ��This is PLO�� represents the first time that he has sought to break down the game from beginning to end in a way that builds on itself and ultimately establishes the framework needed to compete at the highest level.
Prior to tackling any on the felt strategy, the course discusses theoretical concepts and focuses on general principles that should be the core of your approach. Phil touches on how the top players use solvers to establish certain heuristics, but more importantly, he discusses the limitations of solvers and why and how humans should deviate from them. With these critical ideas established, Phil proceeds to the most frequently occurring and important part of the game tree in single-raised pots. Like dribbling a basketball or tossing a baseball, a mastery of these situations is fundamental and sets up for success when things get more complicated on future streets, 3-bet pots, and playing out of position.
After covering the complexities of three and four bet pots, Phil tackles the sexy topics and situations he has come to be known for, including hero calls, hero folds, over and under-bluffed parts of the gametree, and how he makes reads on his opponent often narrowing his opponents' holdings to just a handful of possibilities. The final portion of the course contains a recap of pivotal hands that occurred during his high-stakes challenges against online crushers Venividi and ActionFreak, as well as his battle against Chance Kornuth and the live poker specialist Brandon Adams all of which saw Phil pocketing 6-figure victories.
The best aspect of the course, which is currently still at the initial sale price of $1,499 for a limited time, is that Phil will continue adding videos to supplement the information based on the feedback of those that have made the purchase, including installments touching on 6-max PLO from a special guest and fellow high stakes grinder.