Discover Solved Final Table Play with the WPT GTO Trainer

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LearnWPT, The Official Poker Education Platform of the World Poker Tour (WPT) has introduced Final Table Play to the WPT GTO Trainer. To play real solved GTO Hands right now and start improving your game today, visit the WPT GTO Trainer.
Final Table Play Now Available!
Users can now play through solved poker hands in common final table scenarios and see their mistakes compared to GTO play in real time. Using the concept of ICM Utility, hundreds of millions of final table hands have been solved with various stack size and payjump combinations. You can now play through these solved hands and see correct final table strategy play out in real time.
Try the WPT GTO Trainer for free!
The WPT GTO Trainer now allows you to quickly understand the effects that short stacks have on final table play. When short stacks exist and there are substantial pay jumps, the bigger stacks at the table can exert ICM Pressure on the mediums stacks. The medium stacks are highly incentivized to not bust out before the short stacks.
This dramatically affects the preflop ranges of these medium stacks, causing them to play far fewer hands compared to a final table with no short stacks.
Postflop, this ICM pressure often dictates extensive passive line adjustments for any medium stacks so as to avoid all-in confrontations versus larger stacks. This often means checking in spots where you might otherwise continuation bet and other variations of pot control.
With the WPT GTO Trainer, you can instantly know whether the play you make is correct and see the magnitude of any mistakes you make.

Dozens of Final Table Scenarios!
Dozens of common variations of final table spots are now available to train. You��ll be able to see how the stacks sizes and payout at the final table can alter your strategy.
Play out of position against the chipleader to see how your continuation-bet frequency drops. Or play as the chipleader and exert maximum pressure on your opponents.
You can train specific scenarios including, three-bet defense, big blind defense, button defense, and more!
New training scenarios are developed weekly with over 1 Billion solved Game Theory Optimal poker hands and counting.
The WPT GTO Trainer is available exclusively to members of��s online training site but you can try it for free by clicking here.
Click here to try the WPT GTO Trainer for free today.