Doug Polk Calls Out (Crypto) Scammers on YouTube

The world of cryptocurrency has taken over poker, and as each day passes, the two worlds progressively intersect. Want to know how the poker market is doing? Just check Twitter and you'll see a flood of tweets from players either really happy or really sad depending on if the crypto market is up or down on any given day. It seems everyone owns one type of crypto or many from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and the list goes on.
Doug Polk, who crushes the YouTube poker scene, is now dabbling into YouTube creating content surrounding cryptocurrencies. The poker player is always ahead of the new trends within poker so it's of no surprise that he's done the same with crypto and found a new market to target. DougPolkPoker is now DougPolkCrypto.
That��s why, a few weeks ago, he decided to create a new YouTube channel, dedicated to cryptocurrencies to, ��cover the latest events in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and various other projects in the crypto space.�� Though he is not ��a financial advisor,�� he already has over 95K YouTube subscribers. For comparison, he has 165K subscribers for his poker YouTube channel, which he started over a year ago. At this pace, his crypto channel is certainly looking to break that fairly quickly.
Even Polk is shocked at the rapid growth. He tweeted this over the weekend.
The crypto channel, after a few weeks of making videos, is now tied for my most views ever in a 48h window with the��
— Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)
But Polk is still seeing growth on his poker channel. In fact, some of his more popular videos, which we already reviewed a few months ago, has surpassed 1M in views (a crazy milestone).
So what exactly is Doug sharing if he's not a financial advisor? Well, he isn't necessarily telling viewers which cryptos to buy and how much, although he has provided a video and information as to which cryptos consume his personal portfolio.
Instead, he's protecting consumers by giving them information on which streamers, content creators and cryptocurrencies to avoid. He's definitely doing his research and is giving his personal opinion on potential scams that are out there in the crypto world that can go really bad, really quickly.
Here's an example of some of the type of crypto content he's providing.
In various videos, Doug warns of "handling these hot tips" because as a viewer, "you might burn your fingers." Point in case.
Two weeks ago, Polk even warned users about using BitConnect's lending and exchange platform. On Tuesday, the company announced that it will close down after the site received regulator warnings. Not all heroes wear capes, as Polk may have potentially saved his viewers from a bad investment.
Studying, learning, doing your own research, managing risk, bankroll management �� yeah, it definitely seems like crypto and poker go hand-in-hand. Polk has certainly caught fire in both worlds so we wouldn't be surprised to see him grow his follower list even more in the upcoming months.