Calling the Clock with David Tuchman Sponsored by KO Watches

Beginning as a cutting-edge brand active in design, manufacturing and distribution of quality-finish watches from young Mexican entrepreneurs, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches works to distinguish itself with its quality and clean design, allowing people to use time they have as they wish and without interruption. With our sponsor, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches in mind, we're now going to "Call the Clock" on David Tuchman.
PokerNews�� Sarah Herring called the clock on David Tuchman, giving him two minutes to answer as many questions as he can. This week's segment comes from a previous interview with Tuchman on the PokerNews Podcast.
What is the name of your Wi-Fi?
Do you have a pet?
I have five pets, six pets, a fish.
What are their names?
The fish is named One Fish. The cats are Wembley and Darth Vader. And the dogs are Connie (Connie Lee O��Conner Guinness Tuchman), Chewbacca Dingleberry and Wicket.
What��s the best thing about being a commentator?
I don��t have to wear a suit to work.
What��s the worst thing about being a commentator?
I have to listen to myself talk.
What��s the most starstruck you��ve ever been?
Halle Berry. I don��t know if it was starstruck, it��s just pure beauty, many years ago. Mouth dropped.
One the same vein then, who are the top three on your freebie list? For those who don��t know, that means you can have sex with that person without getting in trouble with your spouse.
You and I talked about this. Rachel McAdams, Kiera Knightley and, oh! I forgot the name of the other one.
Jenna Dewan Tatum.
Yes, yes, yes. Done.
Twitter or Instagram?
Who��s the best follow on Twitter?
Poker related? I��ll actually say Jamie Kerstetter is awesome. She��s hysterical. Straight-out funny.
So true. If you could ban one word from the cultural zeitgeist, what would it be?
When you get a babysitter, what��s one rule you give them?
Keep the baby alive.
Favorite curse word?
Most used word when streaming?
Probably close to ��fuck.��
Who, alive or dead, would you want to have as your dream stream guest?
Sorry. Blanking.
Literally anyone that you want to bring in the booth. Halle Barry. Totally fine.
Adolf Hitler.
When the clocks stops, time comes to life. Get your hands on a Knock Out -KO- watch right here.