Calling the Clock with Caitlyn Howe Sponsored by KO Watches

Beginning as a cutting-edge brand active in design, manufacturing and distribution of quality-finish watches from young Mexican entrepreneurs, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches works to distinguish itself with its quality and clean design, allowing people to use time they have as they wish and without interruption. With our sponsor, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches in mind, we're now going to "Call the Clock" on Caitlyn Howe.
PokerNews�� Sarah Herring called the clock on Caitlyn Howe, giving her two minutes to answer as many questions as she can. This week's segment comes from a previous interview with Howe on the PokerNews Podcast.
Who is your favorite Royal Flush girl, I mean, Crew, I mean, whatever it is?
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! I ca- Oh, that��s brutal.
Don��t worry. They don��t listen.
I guess I��ll say Andrea.
Favorite WPT stop so far?
Window or aisle?
Oh my god, window forever.
Something you take with you on every trip?
My journal.
Coolest thing about Las Vegas?
I like the sunsets, I think.
Favorite thing to do in Las Vegas?
I actually like to go to my yoga studio. Womp womp.
Night owl or early bird?
Still a night owl though.
Favorite fashion trend of all time?
Anything sparkly. Leotards. How could I not say leotards right away?
One trend that you hope disappears?
Chokers. It needs to stop. Everyone stop.
One talent you wish you had?
Being more competitive.
Favorite app?
I can��t live without �C what can I not live without? I��m on the Southwest Air app a lot which is sort of lame. WhatsApp is pretty good too and Instagram is basically my life so that��s embarrassing, but yeah. OK, Instagram, fine.
Best follow on Instagram?
Best follow? Umm. I follow ��Daddy Issues;�� that makes me giggle a lot. Oh my gosh,��I am Branden�� is kind of a recent fave. ��joannethescammer,�� he��s both a she and a him so, yeah.
Who has been your favorite person to interview so far?
I love interviewing Daniel Negreanu. He was my first interview and I haven��t gotten to interview him, he��s been at none of my stops, but he still remains the person who made me feel the most at ease and have the most fun while I��m holding the mic.
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