Tweet, Tweet, Bad Beat: Jesus, Jiu Jitsu and Jasons

Let��s be entirely honest about what this is. Every week, Tweet, Tweet, Bad Beat gives the general poker public the opportunity to reminisce on their past social media week. That is, of course, after we shamelessly poke a little fun at everything they post. Why? Because we can. Why? Because every Saturday should start off with a good laugh.
Tournament delights
 Nothing like a meeting between two friends. And a dome of light for a friendly-looking gray fox.
My good friend @VanessaSelbst who I don't get to see enough. About to play poker for a great cause.
— Brian Koppelman (@briankoppelman)
An average Joe can definitely relate to a $25,000 buy-in. Good work, Hallaert. Cha-ching.
Playing a little tournament to warm up for the big one.
— Kenny Hallaert (@SpaceyFCB)
Bro code for WSOP states: I must post with f* go00 and I must raise a fist in the air for posterity and lucky.
Off to Vegas to see my buddy @SpaceyFCB win $8 million, let's f. goooo #wsop #novembernine #teamkenny
— Steven van Zadelhoff (@svzff)
Spoof and spectacle
 OK. Real talk. I think Matt Damon would hands down beat William Kassouf in a fight. #likeaboss
If @WilliamKassouf was in rounders, it would have been a very different film... ;)
— Willie Elliot (@Willie_Hmmm)
Shout out to all of you who actually watch Black Mirror. Netflix, shameless plug, say what?!
— David K Lappin (@DKLAPPIN)
Because the Jasons really always wanted to be rappers, so they should look like them. (I draw like a four year old though, so good work #fanart)
The Daily Finds
 On first look, I totally thought that caution cone was a prop. #pride
Pride! #pridelasvegas
— Ryan Laplante (@Protentialmn)
Here��s to looking at you, kids.
Shooting Poker Hall of Fame, congrats to @ToddBrunson and Carlos Mortensen
— Jayne Furman (@JayneFurman)
The truth comes out at last. #weallpoor
At the Cubs game. Too poor to afford the good seats like @phil_hellmuth though. #FlyTheW
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)
When in Milan, take a super serious picture in front of Jesus because he��s probably watching.
In the poker world, it��s always best to let people know you can kick their ass. Especially so that when Sarah Herring asks, ��Who would you most like to fight in poker?�� your answer doesn��t seem entirely off base when you say a jiu jitsu master.
Because conquering the GPI isn��t enough��he��s going after real mountains. COME ON.
Lead images courtesy of Instagram/Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier, Ryan Fee and Jason Somerville