Win a FREE International Poker Relocation with Poker Refugees

If you��ve ever heard of Poker Refugees, you know this company��s passion is to help online poker players and sports bettors continue their careers in countries all over the world. They started this mission just after Black Friday in 2011, and August is the two-year anniversary of the company's official launch.
In the spirit of helping you do what you love the most �� playing online poker �� they��d like to give one of you a free relocation to one of Poker Refugees�� most popular country destinations.
Choose between the following locations, and you could be logging into your favorite poker sites from paradise very soon!
- Canada
- Costa Rica
- Ecuador
- Malta
- Mexico
- Panama*
What is Poker Refugees?
Poker Refugees was founded in response to the needs of U.S. online poker players to continue grinding on international sites like Pokerstars. The company has helped nearly 300 online poker players and sports bettors get set up in foreign countries since Black Friday. Originally inspired by U.S. players who were essentially forced to move, Poker Refugees has since broadened its services, helping poker players from countries all over the world with a variety of travel-related, concierge, and consulting services. The company��s diverse and bilingual team helps players get set up fast and easy in many countries outside the U.S. where online poker and sports betting are legal. The service is 100% completely customized to serve the needs of online gambling professionals.
Here��s what you win:
One life-changing opportunity to travel outside your home country and play online poker.
You��ll receive the Poker Refugees Full Relocation Service, completely free, a value of up to $2,500. Depending on where you move, we��ll document your journey either in person or through photos, video and Skype interviews for other players to share in your experience.
Here��s how to win:
You can win in just two easy steps, and the winner will be randomly selected. Please note that you must complete both of these two requirements to be a valid entry:
1. Fill out the online entry form by clicking here.
2. Interact via social media: Spread the word about this free giveaway on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook (must choose at least one platform).
Or like the Poker Refugees Facebook page or post on their wall that you entered the competition.
Below are a couple sample tweets and Facebook blurbs to get you started:
- I want a free poker relocation to __________ @PokerRefugees
- I��m ready to win a trip to play online poker with @PokerRefugees!
- .@PokerRefugees is giving away a FREE poker relocation! I entered here:
- Can��t wait to play on PokerStars again with @PokerRefugees!
You can share as much as you��d like and use any wording you��d like as long as your post either (a) Tags #PokerRefugees or @PokerRefugees, or (b) contains one of the links to the contest entry form or giveaway (links may be shortened):
The fine print:
1. You can enter to win via our online entry form and sharing on any social media platform.
2. Tweets, Instagram, and Facebook shares must contain either #PokerRefugees hashtag or tag @PokerRefugees, or shortlink to either of these contest pages.
3. Entry deadline is 12 a.m. EST on Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013, and the winner will be announced shortly thereafter.
4. The definition of the ��Full Relocation Service�� is detailed and can be found by clicking here.
5. Winner is responsible for paying his or her own: passport application, airfare, rent, security deposit, bills & utilities, funding online bank roll and/or poker and gaming sites, any fees related to applying for a visa or other country-specific requirements and other living expenses detailed in the Poker Refugees sign-up forms.
6. The winning entry will be randomly selected.
7. The winner must sign the Poker Refugees waiver and sign up forms in order to receive the service.
8. The prize expires within one year of the date of issue and must be claimed by 12 a.m. EST on Sept. 1, 2014.
9. The winner agrees for his real or online screen name to be used in future Poker Refugees-related media.
10. The winner agrees for his relocation to be documented by Poker Refugees; this may include a video or recorded Skype interview.
11. The destination chosen must be a location served by Poker Refugees.
12. *Special consideration for the destination of Panama: Full Relocation Service does not include third-party assistance to open a bank account. This is available with an additional fee that varies depending on legal and translation services retained.
Visit for more info.