2012 World Series of Poker Main Event Final Table Social Media Guide

What began with a field of 6,598 has now dwindled down to the final nine. The World Series of Poker Main Event Final Table is finally upon us. Play gets under way at 1700 PDT (0000 GMT, Tuesday) on Oct. 29 and the final nine will battle it out for the $8.5 million first-place prize and the coveted WSOP Main Event bracelet.
There's plenty of coverage of poker's most prestigious event �� ESPN, PokerNews' hand-for-hand updates and ScribbleLive chat �� but you can also keep track of the October Nine players through social media. Friend them and like them, just don't be a creeper about it.
Here is your full guide to following the players, WSOP staff, and Team PokerNews while you're watching the 2012 World Series of Poker Main Event Final Table.
2012 World Series of Poker October Niners
Russell Thomas
Twitter: @RunGoodRussell
Russell��s Facebook Fan Page
Jacob Balsiger
Twitter: @JakeBalsiger888
Jeremy Ausmus
Twitter: @jeremyausmus
Jeremy��s Official Site
Jeremy��s Facebook Fan Page
Steven Gee
Twitter: @stevewgee
Steven's Facebook Fan Page
Greg Merson
Twitter: @Gregy20723
Greg��s Official Site
Greg��s Facebook Fan Page
Jesse Sylvia
Twitter: @Jesse_Sylvia888
Jesse��s Facebook Fan Page
Robert Salaburu
Twitter: @RobSalaburu
Robert's Official Site
Andras Koroknai
Twitter: N/A
Michael Esposito
Twitter: N/A
World Series of Poker Staff
Twitter: @WSOP
WSOP Facebook Fan Page
Jack Effel
Twitter: @WSOPTD
Seth Palansky
Twitter: @SethPalansky
Jessica Welman
Twitter: @jesswelman
PokerNews Live Reporting Staff
Donnie Peters: @Donnie_Peters
Rich Ryan: @RichTRyan
Mickey Doft: @mrdoft
Kristy Arnett: @KristyArnett
Sarah Grant: @SarahGrantPoker
Brett Collson: @brettcollson
Chad Holloway: @ChadAHolloway
Joe Giron: @JoeGironPhoto
Elaine Chaivarlis: @LaneyLV
Matthew Parvis: @MatthewParvis
PokerNews Live Reporting: @PokerNews_Live
PokerNews: @PokerNews
PokerNews Team: PokerNews List