Off the Felt with Brett Richey

Off the Felt is interviewing your favorite people in the poker industry to find out more about their lives �� you've got it �� off the felt. We recently sat down with Brett Richey to talk a little poker, rapping, and racing.
How did you start playing poker?
I started playing in college.
What is your poker schedule like for the next few months?
Living in NYC then going to Vegas for most of the summer.
What are you most looking forward to about the WSOP?
Being healthy and focused on tournaments.
So you like to rap, what is the story with that?
It's something I enjoy doing and I'm getting pretty good at it. Currently working on an album to release in September.
If you could have three artists on an album with you, who would you choose?
Birdman, Max B, and Riff Raff.
Give us a few predictions. NBA Champions? MLB World Series Champs?
Indiana Pacers and Tampa Bay Rays.
Best pickup line you've ever used on a girl?
I tend to just say whatever pops into my head.
What challenge do you think you would be more successful at? Running a marathon or eating something on Man V. Food?
Marathon. I'm a runner.
What are some of your hobbies away from the table?
Running, music, and going out.
What's the most ridiculous prop bet that you've participated in?
Racing Huck Seed in a mile which wouldn't even crack his top 100.
If you weren't playing poker what would you be doing?
Working some sort of creative/analytical job.
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