2010 World Series of Poker: On the Rail with Joe Cada

We caught up with Joe Cada during Day 2 of his 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event and talked with the reigning champ about his life since winning and what he likes to do in Las Vegas.
How has your life changed since winning the World Series of Poker last year?
It hasn't changed too much. A little bit more traveling and interviews and pictures.
What was the biggest thing thing you've bought with the money?
What has been your favorite event you've played this year?
The Main Event. It's the one I'm doing the best in.
What is your favorite thing about Las Vegas?
There are a lot of things to do.
Where is your favorite place to party in Las Vegas?
Probably Tryst.
If you don't go back to back with a win this year, give this year's Main Event winner one piece of advice.
Be yourself.
What is the craziest thing you've done in Las Vegas this trip?
Nothing. Nothing crazy.
What do you think of Peter Eastgate calling it quits? Would you ever consider it?
He has a lot of money, I don't blame him. It's not me, but I don't blame him.
Since winning, you've been thrust into the spotlight, with all the media outlets wanting to know what you've been up to, and there was that picture of you and Jayde Nicole at PCA that everyone was talking about, what do you think about that?
I think my personal life should be separated from poker.
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