ChipMeUp Star 'Adgee' Strikes it Big

In only a short space of time, ChipMeUp has already made waves at both the online and the live tournament felt. Thousands have been used the new service to back a few poker horses, parlay one's way into big events that a player's bankroll might not otherwise have been able to withstand, and win money without the added pressure that comes with these tough economic times.
It's time to chalk another one up for Team ChipMeUp. Andrew "Adgee" Jeffreys placed sixth in the Full Tilt Poker Online Poker Series (FTOPS XI) Event #12, $1000+60 No-Limit Hold'em. He was staked into the event using ChipMeUp and PokerNews' very own Team Captain, Tony G, had a 72% stake in Andrew, who outlasted nearly 1600 other players on his way to a $70,090 score. Andrew was kind enough to talk about the event even though he had just gone out on a real bad beat of a hand, where his dominating A-J lost to a straight on the river from his opponent's K-Q.

Andrew "Adgee" Jeffreys enjoyed big FTOPS success</center>
Said Andrew, "I always play to win and I certainly can't complain about the result. I got my money in the middle good and as poker players that is all you can ask for. I'm thrilled about this result and what it means to my backers and would like to thank them all for their support."
Not only did Andrew get a chance to play in such a high-stakes and high-variance event like this without the pressure of using his own money, he also had the support of the entire ChipMeUp community, which had been railing him in the ChipMeUp shoutbox. Andrew has had plenty of success on ChipMeUp and has shares in lots of other events available right now, so what is it about this service that keeps him coming back for more?
"I stumbled across ChipMeUp by accident but was immediately impressed by it," said Andrew. "The software is amazing and the process is so transparent about how to stake people or apply for stakes, there is no confusion at all. There are a lot of fly-by-night staking services that are unclear about their process but with ChipMeUp you are left feeling very confident about doing business there, which is vital for poker players. I have stakes available for the rest of the FTOPS if anybody wants a piece and will be using ChipMeUp for a long time to come."
One man who has always had a really good eye for business and picking horses is Tony G, who wants it to be known he is on the lookout for more players like Andrew. "It was a lot of fun watching this guy play," said Tony. "I didn't see him make any mistakes and this is the kind of player I am looking to stake on ChipMeUp. I'm on the lookout for more players like him to give them a shot at the big money, I tend to bring good luck to the players I stake so if you want to be one of them, go to ChipMeUp today."