Poker Legend 'Amarillo Slim' Preston Evades Robbery Attempt

The soap opera-style life of former World Series of Poker champion Thomas 'Amarillo Slim' Preston picked up another chapter last Wednesday. As reported on, the online wing of the Amarillo Globe News, Preston evaded an armed-robbery attempt in the early hours of Wednesday morning, that began when an yellow vehicle cut off Preston's own auto, forcing it to the curb.
Per the police report, the assailant got out of the yellow car, pulled a handgun and demanded money from Preston, whose response was to throw his own car into reverse and attempt an escape. The would-be robber fired three times at Preston, and an Amarillo Police Department spokesman verified that police took photos of 'what appeared to be two bullet strikes on the side of Preston's vehicle.'
Preston himself was uninjured. The robber reportedly returned to his own vehicle and pursued Preston for several minutes, until Preston evaded the pursuer and was able to call police.
No additional information has been released about the incident, and at last report, no arrests have been made. If nothing else, the incident serves as good publicity for the upcoming Nicolas Cage movie, 'Amarillo Slim,' now in pre-production.
Ed note: There is no need to do crime when you can rob players blind at the tables of Doyle's Room