WSOP Updates �C Oy, Oy, Oy, those Aussies, and Humberto Brenes Entertains

There has been quite a bit of action as the blinds have increased (to a 400 ante with 800/1600 blinds) in the mid-afternoon at the Main Event at the World Series of Poker. This has also been drawing the fans into the Amazon Room as well, as the Rio is at its busiest moments that have been seen this year. It seems that everyone wants to attempt to be a part of the action here, and there has been plenty for the fans to see.
There are several Australian players that have been making some noise at the tables, though. Both Tony D and Gareth Edwards, have been doing quite well on their trip to the States. Tony D, after a serious hit yesterday when his boat was outdrawn by runner runner quads, has managed to reclaim some chips and sits around 65K. Gareth has made a key double up also and is in position to make some moves now with around 120K in his stack. Aussie Mark Vos continues to tangle with Annie Duke for top dog status at the main stage, with Duke holding the position on Vos at this time and using it to her advantage.
John Gale continues to have a fantastic run in the 2006 World Series. He has already pulled down one bracelet and is currently dominating his table nicely with around 160K in chips. Gale is a dangerous player as, when he has a good stack, this puts him in a very comfortable situation to make the plays at the pot that he enjoys. If he continues on his current pace, he will be a threat to reach the higher echelons of the leader board.
Finally, someone who has been entertaining the table while taking their chips away is Costa Rica's Humberto Brenes. Brenes, after a player raised in front of him, reraised him for another 15K. As the player agonized over the call (which looked as if it would put most of his chips in the pot), Humberto tempted him by saying, "Come on, make the call��You put your money in, Humberto wins, you go home and go to sleep happy in knowing what I have." The table stifled laughter and even Humberto's opponent was smiling, but he wasn't buying. He turned over his Ace-10 of hearts and said, "Not this time, Humberto." Humberto gleefully gathered the chips (which looked to put him over the 200K level) and even got some of his table mates some camera time by encouraging them to "smile and wave with Humberto to your friends back home," as he wrapped his arms around them and looked to the cameras. The table may have been loose, but it's about to get more serious for sure.
As this level comes to an end, there are around 950 players left in the tournament. Sometime during the next level, we should crack into the money and we'll have an idea of who is going to go home with at least $14,000 (and change) from the World Series and who will just be going home. If the playing hasn't been serious to this point, it's about to be as we reach the bubble here in the next couple of hours.