Team PokerNews' Per Erik Loeff Knocks Out Scotty Nguyen, Builds Sizable Stack

As the first of two Main Event 'Day Two' sessions neared its close, one of the Team PokerNews players, Per Erik Loeff, made a big move up the chip standings. Loeff knocked out Scotty Nguyen to build his chip stack to nearly $170,000, well above par for the session's expected survivors with only 20 minutes left to play.
In the key hand, Loef raised pre-flop with $4,500 holding A-K, and was reraised another $10,000 by Nguyen, who held A-J. Loeff called to see the flop, which brought an ace with two rags. Loeff raised again, only to be re-raised all-in by Nguyen. Loeff called and the case ace arrived on the turn, and Nguyen's needed jack failed to appear on the river.
With the pot, Loeff now finds himself in position to make a nice Day Three push to the money.