Day Three is '.net' Day at the WSOP

As the players assembled into the tournament room for day three, the duct tape that had been applied to cover '.com' logoing had a new cousin. WSOP floor staff were circulating the room sticking stickers that said '.net' adjacent to any poker room logo that had no logo representation. So, the hats that once simply said 'Full Tilt Poker' now had a white sticker next to it that said '.net'.
In addition, the hospitality suites that line the halls here at the WSOP have also had '.net' added to them.
Players don't seem to care either way, and the focus is where it should be �C on their cards, and their opponents.
As a big company, Harrah's has no choice but to protect themselves in every way possible. Here's hoping that the rules that Harrah's and the online rooms must comply with become clear well in advance of next year. The WSOP is primarily fueled by the player and promotional dollars the online rooms put in. If the rules keep getting more restrictive, or stay unclear, we may see a day where some online rooms simply walk away from the biggest event in poker.