WSOP Updates - After Dinner Relaxation, and a Little Levity

The players have come back from their dinner break and, to put it mildly, it does seem like most of the three quarters of the field that are remaining are in a sort of 'food coma'. There is still around six hours of poker to be played this evening, however, so the call is coming quite frequently of "seat open" as some players come back from their meal in a "double up or go home" mood.
Daniel Negreanu continues to badger his table as his stack has soared to around the 40K mark. Both Barbara Enright and T. J. Cloutier were still hanging in there, as was Mark Seif. Seif, however, was beginning to get "that look" in his eyes that he was going to be going on the attack very soon. It could be the story of many as the evening plays out, to either get "that look" in their eyes and go for it or be one of the approximately 1400 people who won't be going on to Day Two on Wednesday.
With that thought in mind (and for the approximately 2800 players who went out during the first two days of Day One), it seems like it is time for some levity as I give out some of the funniest moments from the World Series.
Moment One
During Phil Hellmuth's drive to bracelet number 10, the fans were gathered almost seven deep along the rails to watch the tournament. For those of us fortunate to have a seat in the bleachers, however, it gave the opportunity to get an up close look at the action. As the hands went on into the night, a young man next to me asked, "Who is that old man next to Hellmuth's wife?" I looked over and it was Phil Hellmuth, Senior and I told the young man that. He shook his head, "No, I recognize him. Is the other man his grandfather?"
I looked back over. It was three time bracelet winner and longtime Hellmuth friend John Bonetti, on hand to help cheer Phil on.
When I told him who it was, he said, "Who's that? I only play online, I've never heard of him."
Ah, youth��.
Moment Two
During one of the Seven Card Stud events, it was particularly tough to keep track of the action. ESPN was not filming the event, thus it was up to the tournament director to try to keep track of all the action for the fans. After a particular hand had finished, a voice piped up from the bleacher seats, asking, "Why don't you tell us what was on the flop?" A slight titter of laughter went through the bleachers (and I believe the table itself) as the TD calmly stepped over to that section of the bleachers, covered the mike and quietly said, "Seven Card Stud is a non-flop game," before returning to the action.
A few moments later, a young gentleman slunk out of the final table area. Do you think he knows now there's more to poker than just Texas Hold 'Em?
Moment Three
Of all the poker room memorabilia that has made its way around the Amazon Room, one of the funniest has come from Party Poker. Most of their female players have been wearing it, a simple wife beater style tee with the inscription on the front "This is my poker face." What makes it funny is, on the back of the shirt, the story is completed with two words: "Botox Rocks."
As the night wears onto the morning, in just around twenty four hours we should know the fortunate 3200 players or so that will make up the warriors for the continuation of the Main Event. Hopefully we might have some more light moments that can encompass these but, either way, the poker will be there to carry the brunt of the action.