The Diary of Player X, Volume Eight

Player X is a professional poker player who makes his living playing mostly online. The mystery and wild rumors often associated with online play, and people's misconceptions about the lifestyle lead us to decide to do this column on Player X. Make no mistake, Player X is a real player, and these are real results.
Many people in the poker world know Player X, and due to this, and other circumstances, Player X (by his or her choice) will remain anonymous. This person's results are real, however, and we will be able to follow him or her through the reality of being a professional poker player. If I did not know this person, and their reputation, I wouldn't publish this
Volume Eight -
I took about a month off to tool around Europe, and had a great time. Got back Wednesday, and started up right where I left off, albeit only playing 'part time' this week. I go to the WSOP on Thursday, and will play some poker against real humans for three weeks or so.
Day total: + 0
Week total: $ +0
Day total: +0
Week total: $+0
Right back into the groove, and it felt great. +$2603.80 on 1464 hands of NL
Day total: + 2,603.80
Week total: $ + 2,603.80
Day total: $ 0
Week total: $ + 2,603.80
Oops! You can lose money playing poker too. Not bad at all though, and just never got a lot going. Finished $-269.53 on 1327 hands of NL.
Day total: $-269.53
Week total: $ + 2,334.27
Off prepping to leave again for several weeks.
Broke even for the day, then spent an hour playing 3-handed against a guy who managed to launch huge bluffs at me every time I had a huge hand. +2965.05 on 1519 hands of NL.
Day Total: $ +2,965.05
Week total: $+ 5,299.32
Running total (since first diary entry - Eight weeks total) $+ 34,897.65
I am trying to figure out a way to give you some WSOP results without losing the 'Player X' of it all. Stay Tuned.
Ed Note: Player X honed his skills on sites like Poker Stars.