Royal Vegas Poker $20,000 Poker Points Challenge

Earn points for play at Royal Vegas during the month of January, and climb up our Leader board! The Top 500 players will share in $20,000 GUARANTEED!
This is how you can earn points:
Ring Game Play:
Every raked hand (ring games only) will earn you 1 point.
Tournament Play:
All Single Table Tournaments
5 points
50 points
$7K Daily
100 points
500 points
1,000 points
$3K Daily Freerolls
100 points
500 points
1,000 points
Expert Series Final
300 points
1,000 points
2,000 points
New Year Special
300 points
1,000 points
2,000 points
LA Poker Classic
300 points
500 points
1,000 points
Payout Schedule:
* Prizes will be allocated on Monday, Feb 02, 2004
Place Finished
1st - $2,000
2nd - $1,500
3rd - $1,250
4th - $1,000
5th - $750
6th - $500
7th - $400
8th - $300
9th - $200
10th - $100
11th to 30th - $75
31st to 50th - $50
51st to 100th - $40
101st to 200th - $30
201st to 300th - $20
301st to 400th - $15
401st to 500th - $10
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