4 Ways You Can Become Next World Poker Tour Millionaire

Win Your Entry into the World Poker Open at the Gold Strike Casino for a Shot at $1 Million Prize
Team Planet is heading to the next big World Poker Tour event, the <a href=""https://www.goldstrikemississippi.com/index2.php"">Jack Binion World Poker Open Championship</a> at the Gold Strike Casino in Tunica, MS. We are sending one lucky player to the championship event there, which will be played from January 26 through 29. The winner of that tournament nets a cool $1 million, guaranteed.
Planet Poker will play host to our first ever No-Limit Hold'em WPT Satellite on Sunday, January 4, 2004, with a guaranteed prize pool worth at least $22,000!
[B]-[B]One grand prize winner will receive $13,000 for their buy-in and expenses to Binion's World Poker Open.
[B]-[/B]Places 2-10 inclusive will receive $1,000 each.