Twitter Q&A With Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier

On Thursday night, Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier paused his open-face Chinese poker games for a moment to talk with his fans.
He tweeted out to this more than 70,000 followers, saying that he would be fielding questions for 30 minutes. Mercier's only caveat was that they had to be reasonable and he wouldn't answer questions regarding poker strategy.
Some were funny, some were serious, and these were our favorites:
RT @Jamesnou: @JasonMercier how often did you play at the hard rock coming up? <--- played a coup times / week when I was 18-19 there
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @Folks14: @JasonMercier What colour shirt are you wearing? #hardhittingquestions <--- green
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @RetroJz: @JasonMercier how'd you get your broll started? <- won a small amount 1st time I played online poker and never rly looked back
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @IziReallyTho: @JasonMercier which do you prefer more, online or live poker? <--- live
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @LukePGavin: @JasonMercier are you a fan of Melbourne? <--- Melbourne is one of coolest cities I've been to
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @Lowball95: @JasonMercier what gets your adrenalin pumping? <-- financial freedom
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @mschankula: @JasonMercier most useful book you read when starting out? Most useful poker book you've read recently? <- never have read 1
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @FMRon: @JasonMercier Dolphins 8 wins - under/over <- over, think it pushes alot tho
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @Donnie_Peters: @JasonMercier If you could've been a pro athlete, but not basketball, which sport would you choose? <-- maybe soccer?
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @ste_mc_efc: @JasonMercier If they all rushed you at once what do you think is the min # of rabbits needed to overwhelm you? <-- lol 7-8
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @Lance_Bradley: @JasonMercier What do you own more of: basketball shoes or shirts with a collar? <--- collared shirts lol think 25 vs 4
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @actoo7: @JasonMercier are you the best basketball player in poker?? <--- not even close. Doubtful im even in top 20
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @99WarNickels: @JasonMercier if you had your entire BR on the table, what game would you want to play? <-- I wouldn't. But plo
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @adamnmacdonald: @JasonMercier If there was one change to be made in consideration for all Poker tournys ? <-- start antes earlier
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @Seba_opazoo: @JasonMercier is negreanu better than you ? <--- ask him @RealKidPoker am I better than u brah?
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @JoeNelligan: @JasonMercier Do you play golf? Are you any good? <--- only played 5-6 times. One of my worst sports. Need to practice
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @JoeNelligan: @JasonMercier who wins in a fight Shaun Deeb or Dan Obrien <--- is this a joke? @DanOBrienPoker would win in like 30 secs
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @pamelam35: .@JasonMercier Who has been the most influential person in your life? <-- my dad @RickMercier954
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @RealKidPoker: @JasonMercier what is your worst game in the 8game mix? <--- prolly limit Holdem. Wanna teach me?
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
RT @AFeldmanESPN: @jasonmercier who would play the role of you in a movie? <--- not sure, some superstar though :)
— Jason Mercier (@JasonMercier)
Have a question you'd like to ask Mercier? List it in the comments below and the next time we grab him for the PokerNews Podcast or another interview maybe we'll ask him!
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