Jason Johnson Eliminated in 3rd Place ($204,464)
Level 27
: 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #75: Jordan Morgan got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #76: Evan McNiff raised to 100,000 from the button and won the blinds and antes.
Hand #77: McNiff was given a walk.
Hand #78: Jason Johnson raised to 100,000 from the button and Morgan made the call. The dealer slid out for a flop. Both players checked and the dealer flipped over the
on the turn. Morgan led out for 80,000 and Johnson called. The river card was the
. Morgan bet 260,000 and Johnson raised. Morgan responded with all in and Johnson quickly called.
Johnson's two pairs were no good to the rivered set for Morgan. Johnson's run in this event has ended in third-place money worth $204,464.