"I'll Show You One Time"

PokerStars Team Pro Vanessa Selbst raised to 500 from under the gun plus one. Paul Volpe called from the button and the small blind folded. Gary Ackerman looked down at his cards in the big blind and tossed out a single yellow T1,000 chip. The dealer announced that it was a call but Ackerman protested, stating that he intended to raise. Since he only tossed out a single chip, it was regarded as a call and there would be no more action before the flop.
The dealer fanned on the felt and Ackerman was first to act. He bet 700 and Selbst came right over the top for 3,000 total. Volpe tossed away his hand and action was back on Ackerman. He cut into his stack and came out with a raise, making the action 6,000 to go. Selbst wasted little time moving forward a stack that included all of her blue T5,000 chips as well as some yellows.
Ackerman went into the tank while he pondered calling off his final roughly 18,000 in chips. He went back and forth, counting his stack again and again while mulling over his decision. After almost two minutes in the tank, Ackerman folded face up and the pot was pushed to Selbst.
Despite raking in the pot, Selbst sat shaking her head.
"I'll show you one time," said the Team Pro, tabling for top set. "He misclicked preflop," she went on to say to a player seated next to her, remarking about the potential missed value with her aces against Ackerman's kings.
Despite this fact, Selbst is still thriving early on Day 1 with about 48,000 in chips.