Michael Kurth Eliminated in 6th Place ($87,398)
Level 26
: 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #83: Action folded around to Mutke in the small blind, and his 80,000 raise was called by Kurth in the big blind. The flop of saw Mutke lead out for 65,000, but Kurth was ready to rumble, reraising to 200,000 even. After a minute long tank, Mutke moved all-in to put Kurth to a test for his tournament life. Kurth liked his
enough to gamble, and he was delighted to see Mutke turn over just
for no pair no draw. Kurth was looking for hearts, or baby cards to catch up, and the
added even more outs to his arsenal. He would need any heart, deuce, three, or seven to survive, but the
on the river missed him entirely.